Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Hello! It has been quiet around the blog because I have been in Durban with my friend, Kelly. I was really lucky to visit Durban with her because she grew up there and knew the best spots to take me.

Durban is a beach town on the Eastern coast of South Africa (on the Indian Ocean side). It is the busiest seaport in ZA and is popular among tourists because of its year-round warm weather and beautiful beaches. It is called “the sapphire coast” because of its stunning dark blue water. Thousands of hectares of banana trees, sugarcane and coffee beans thrive here because of the humid salty air.

Fun(ish) fact: Durban is home to the most concentrated population of Indians outside of India, which makes for some amazing Indian food. The most popular Indian food item there is called “bunny chow,” which is curry served in a hallowed-out loaf of bread. If you ever go there, make sure you order the “mild” curry; don’t be a hero because your stomach will punish you for days.

While the weather was beautiful, it was pretty cold and windy because of the bad weather systems that have been haunting Cape Town all winter. The wind was so strong that we wore jackets almost the entire time. This put a HUGE dent in my plan to get a tan!!!! While I didn’t get a tan, I had an amazing time exploring the area and got to see some beautiful things.

Here are some photos of the trip highlights...

 We started off the trip at Kelly's holiday house:

One of my favorite parts of being at the holiday house were the monkeys!!!!!!! They were everywhere and will even come into the house to steal food.
The shots below are from the beach, which was a 5 minute walk from the holiday house. So beautiful!

These guys are called "dussies" or "rock rabbits". Look at their mean little faces close up!

Where there are monkeys, there must be bananas! The blue bags are used to cover the bananas so the monkeys don't eat them.

Then we went to Oribi Gorge, where they have extreme jumping and zipline. The gorge was absolutely HUGE. Note: you cannot tell how huge it was from these photos. It was really windy, so zipline was not an option for me!!! I did, however, walk across the suspension bridge (scary!).

The following day we went to another gorge. Scenes from Blood Diamond were filmed here!

Here is a photo of Kelly, me and Stacey.

Beaver Creek coffee bean farm.

Hope you enjoyed these photos. I am currently sick and without a voice, but i will call you guys soon!

Jess & Mat


Amazingg9 said...

WOW ... you have seen some beautiful countryside. The beach shots remind me a little of CA with the dark blue water and rocky areas. What a great trip you had! Feel better soon! Xoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Those are very nice pictures from Durban the coast looks like a great place to do some fishing the swinging bridge picture was cool looks like you had a tight grip on the hand ropes .
Hope you bought some coffee from the farm has to be better than Nescafé I am glad you are getting around the country, Hope you feel better very soon!
love you ,Papa Oso.

Meredith said...

YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!! I miss you & I'm jealous you are having so much awesome fun. Love you