Friday, June 7, 2013

friday pizza & vino

**Happy Birthday, Chelsea!!!!!**

For us, Friday night means pizza and vino. It is a tradition that we are keeping alive even in South Africa. In the U.S., I would make dough and we would make our own pizzas. Since we are still in the guest house, we don't have access to a kitchen. That means take out.

The past few Fridays we ordered from a place called Pizza Perfect but tonight we tried a new place called Debonair. We had a really funny experience that I had to share immediately...

Mat ordered a margherita pizza with meat. The cashier thought he said margherita pizza with miele. In case you missed yesterday's Sh*t South Africans Say, miele is CORN!!! 

So, we got this:

Pizza with corn! Ick!!!! We were hungry so we ate it anyway, but we won't make that mistake again. South Africanisms strike again. :-)

Tomorrow we are headed to Dullstroom to check out some fly fishing shops. Be back with another post on Sunday. Have a great weekend!

Jess & Mat


Anonymous said...

We went for pizza FridY night also and tried to order it with corn. The look we got was priceless, owner thought we were crazy. Only you two could manage this story. Oh well, love you anyway. Mom and Dad

Amazingg9 said...

Ha ha ha ha! Communication ... i mean CLEAR communication, is the key in any language. Ha ha ha ha ... the pizza actually does look good even with miehle ....

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing they gave you something you could identify,maybe you should try some roasted insects to truly experience the total realm of possibilities !