Monday, June 10, 2013

dullstroom day trip

Brrrrrr! Winter has officially arrived. It is weird talking about winter because it's June and all of you are posting beach and summer bbq photos on Facebook!!!!

Mat and I have been talking about learning to fly fish for years now. Lucky for us, one of South Africa's premier fly fishing destinations, Dullstroom, is only an hour's drive from Witbank. It is a sleepy little fishing town in the country that has some good restaurants, pubs, shops and inns. 

We headed to Dullstroom on Saturday to check it out. The whole town is centered around fishing and we saw slogans like "born to fish, forced to work" posted everywhere. Haha! People in Dullstroom were either camping, fly fishing, shopping or selling macadamia nuts (which are apparently grown somewhere nearby).

We didn't fish, but we did find a good fly fishing shop and signed up for lessons in two weeks! We are both really excited. Mat has fly fished a few times before, but I have never done it. We are planning to buy either an Orvis or Sage rod. Any other suggestions, fly fishers?

Here are some photos of the day:

The roses made the town charming.

Do you see the blesbok hiding in the grass in the photo below?

Every little country town has to have a Christmas store, and Dullstroom is no exception...

Motorcyclists love the open roads and fresh air in Dullstroom.

These two things made me laugh: Miss Dullstroom and Jo Bangles. Do you think they meant Bo Jangles???!??!

Miss and love you all (y'all),
Jess & Mat


Anonymous said...

Your fly fishing trip looked wonderfully! The town and countryside are lovely! I think fly fishing will be a blast! Miss you! Mama Mag

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful area invest in Orvis you can't go wrong. tried to FaceTime you today to talk about your weekend. Love Papa Oso

Nichole said...

Beautiful!! Sounds like a fun and relaxing escape!