Tuesday, February 11, 2014


We recently visited a monkey sanctuary called Bushbabies.  It is a strikingly beautiful place that is set up like their natural habitat - wild and open. No cages! We walked through a jungle-like scene as monkeys crossed our paths, jumped from tree-to-tree, stared at us and went about their daily routines. It was both peaceful and exciting at the same time.

This sanctuary acts as a respite for monkeys who have been in captivity for most of their lives – either in labs or as pets. All monkeys at Bushbabies are donated or rescued. Monkeys are difficult to care for and we learned they become particularly hard to handle when they reach sexual maturity. Thankfully, centers like this exist so these monkeys will not be abandoned and unable to care for themselves.

Being unable to release them in the wild once they are “domesticated,” the monkeys can roam freely here for the rest of their little monkey lives.

{mom & baby}

{ringtail lemurs from Madagascar}

{feeding tables with fruits and veggies}

{check out this guy's eyes}

{suspension bridge over the treetops}
{Matty being a monkey}
{ringtail lemur}
{to the right - ladders for the monkeys to climb up to main walkway. how cool!}
{another view of suspension bridge}
{monkeys hiding in the treetops}
Jess & Mat

1 comment:

Amazingg9 said...

The photos make me feel like I'm there! It's kind of sad that people take monkeys as pets. It's inspiring that there are sanctuaries to rescue and rehabilitate (cheetahs!). Love, love, love! :-)