Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A rabbit…where?

Have you heard about the infamous bronze rabbit? 

People around the globe are either outraged or humored by the fact that a bronze rabbit is cleverly hidden in the ear of the brand spankin' new 30-foot Nelson Mandela statue in Pretoria! The statue was unveiled in mid-December on the Day of Reconciliation, a holiday which marks the end of racial conflict here in ZA. I guess it has only recently been discovered due to the height of the statue.

Rumor has it that the sculptors were not allowed to sign their creation, so they added the rabbit as an unofficial signature of sorts.
{image source: www.independent.co.uk}
Needless to say, the South African government is calling for immediate removal of the rabbit. I read that the government is working with the sculptors to properly sign their work of art, presumably due to the vast amount of media attention this is getting. ha!

{image source: www.independent.co.uk}
Crazy, huh?

Jess & Mat

1 comment:

Amazingg9 said...

It's cute ... I say leave it there ... who is going to see it anyway?