Tuesday, October 8, 2013

springboks vs. all blacks


On Saturday evening, we went to the South Africa (Springboks) and New Zealand (All Blacks) rugby game in Johannesburg with Anton and Candice. My verdict? It was SO COOL! Everything they say about rugby fans is true. They are drunk, wild and lots of fun to watch. It was almost more fun watching the crowd than it was watching the game!

The Springboks and the All Blacks have a rivalry of epic proportion. Yes, I said epic. People here say epic all the time…and it’s starting to stick! I am sure we will come home with many new words in our everyday vocabulary.

The All Blacks are known for their traditional “haka” war dance, which is a display of the team’s pride, strength and unity. They do it before every game. We were really looking forward to seeing it because we’ve watched it on YouTube a thousand times. Unfortunately, we couldn’t hear it because the Springbok fans drowned it out by chanting “Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole, OOOOOOOle, OOOOOOle….”

Before the game started, a Boeing jet swooped almost into the stadium!! It happened so fast that my photo turned out blurry, but it was so cool that I decided include it anyway.

In the end, the Springboks lost but they put up a good fight. If the All Blacks had been even a little bit off their game, they would have lost.

And, in case you were wondering, the wave is worldwide. Ha!!!

Mat & Jess


Anonymous said...

Good jump Jess! How many beers at one time Marty?

Anonymous said...

It looks like you both had a great time at the rugby game That was a great leap you made that before or after the beers Matt had in his hands?