Wednesday, July 24, 2013

scenes from the highway

We finally got our official company car, a sleek and luxurious silver bullet called a Toyota Corolla. Haha! All joking aside, we are really happy to have it because it has a 2.0, smash-proof windows and a panic button. Here is a photo of our ride…

As I have mentioned several times previously, highways in South Africa can be terrifying.  There is a very high rate of traffic accidents so driving defensively is muy importante. Part of the reason driving is so dangerous is that it seems like no one really knows the official driving laws (not even the police)! So, I thought I’d put together a list of the biggest driving faux pas I’ve seen here is ZA.

Here is my interpretation of the Rules of the Road, as a South African understands them.

A REAL South African driver…
  •     Thinks speed limits are a suggestion
  •     Never stops to help anyone for any reason. This will result in being mugged or hijacked 
  •     Does not use the blinker and thinks braking is to be done late as possible
  •     Knows how to swerve abruptly to avoid the many HUGE potholes that could easily swallow a small car such as the Corolla
  •     Does not stop at red lights. On average, at least three cars still go through an intersection after the light has turned red
  •     Never, ever comes to a complete stop at a stop sign because you will be rear-ended or mugged
  •     Flashes high beams to tell you to move the F*&$ over so they can pass you at an outlandish speed, only to slow down as soon as they pass you
  •     Does not leave a safe distance between them and the car in front of them because this space will be filled by at least 2 taxis
  •     Honks their horn at cars that don't move the instant the light turns green 

While you are busy dodging bad drivers, rogue taxis and pedestrians, you also get to see some amazing road signs and scenery. For your viewing pleasure, here are some photos of scenes on the ZA highway…

{common road signs}
{something is ALWAYS burning here}
{petrol stations are few and far between on the highway and are always situated across from each other} 
{the ever-present hitchhikers who appear out of nowhere}
{do I even need to comment on this one?!}
{they really like to advertise road work!!!}
{one of the thousands of super scary taxi's that rule the road. NEVER ride in one}
{nope, not a micro-machine. this is a south african tow truck. seriously!!!}
{township. these are EVERYWHERE. and, of course, something is burning}
{pull-behind trailers are very popular here}
Until next time...take care and we love you!!!

Jess & Mat


Amazingg9 said...

Pretty kre kra! Check your email for a possible visit date! Love you both!

Anonymous said...

Are there three of you in the chapel photo?can't wait to share it with you diving,and safari!