Friday, May 24, 2013

still looking for a rental house

Hi! I cannot believe we have been here for more than a week already. We have learned so much in the past ten days and I truly believe there is no amount of research that could have prepared us for what we've seen, heard and experienced. For example: you can read that zebras, springboks and impalas roam freely in the fields, but actually seeing it is incredible. You can read that Johannesburg has crazy and dangerous drivers, but you will need to change your under-roos after driving in it. You can read that there are 11 national languages, but you cannot grasp it until you see signs, publications, and TV shows in multiple languages. I am definitely in culture shock!

As for us, we are still in temporary housing because we cannot find a furnished house to rent that has the amenities and security we need. The easiest way to tell you guys about what we're looking for in a house is to create a list. Here it goes:

1. The number one thing we are looking for in a house is security - both the physical location and how it is safeguarded inside and out. Houses and neighborhoods are surrounded by high fences topped with electric or barbed wire. Metal safety doors are installed in most homes to create a "safe haven" to protect people against burglaries. Additionally, working alarm systems and panic buttons are a staple in homes. This is what I mean:

Before we can move into a house, the B&V security guy has to inspect it. If a security measure needs to be added, he tells the landlord and they have to install it or the lease will not be signed

2. JoJo water tank - water is frequently shutoff here for days at a time (without notice), so a reserve water tank is 100% necessary

3. Generator - Power is also shut off here frequently for days at a time (without notice), so a backup power supply is 100% necessary

4. Internet (preferably wireless with an unlimited option) - Many homes are not wired for internet at all and getting it installed can take anywhere from 2 to 4 months

5. Television with cable or satellite - Thankfully, most homes have this

6. Furnished with at least 2 bedrooms - Quality and tasteful furniture and decor

7. Proximity to Mat's job site - less than 20 kilos

8. Dishwasher - these are surprisingly hard to find in a house

9. Washer & dryer. Tumble dryers are rare. It is more common to dry clothing on clothing lines outside

Optional: "domestic" worker and a gardener. More on this in another post

Well, I hope this gives you an idea of what we're up against :-)  Take care and I'll post again soon. We are headed to the Loskop Dam nature preserve tomorrow to hopefully see giraffe, baboons, mongoose, and more!

Jess & Mat

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