Thursday, January 16, 2014

safari #2

January is halfway over and our time in South Africa is winding down. We are in the process of planning our final big African adventure to Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world and is also one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the world. Pretty cool! I'll keep you posted on the activities we have planned during the trip.

Today I am posting photos of the safari that Mom and I went on during her visit. She loved it as much as we did the first time! Her favorites are the elephant and the leopard. Seeing the animals in the wild is surreal and exciting. Hope you enjoy our photos…

{baby giraffe} 
{baby kudu}
{dung beetle}

{female kudu}
{giraffe bending its long legs to get a snack}
{i love their faces. just look at those eyelashes!}


{young hyenas watching giraffes at the end of the path}
{hyenas on the prowl}
{impalas with tiny baby}
{impala with a cool bird on his back}
{male kudu. do you see him?}
{male leopard - the only one we saw}
{lioness giving Mom the "I will eat you" stare}

{male lion opened his eyes for a split second}
{mom and baby cape buffalo}
{mom and baby vervet monkeys}
{monitor lizard}
{vervet monkey scoping for food in the dining area}
{disgusting giant millipede. iPhone is there for size reference}
{owl we saw on our night drive}
{our game ranger loading his rifle before our afternoon bush walk}
{my favorites - rhinos!}

{enjoying sundowners on our evening game drive}
{giant thorns on the acacia (fever) tree}
{warthog family. do you see the babies?}
{waterbuck with the heart-shaped nose}
{weaver bird nests}
{male wildebeest marking his territory by rolling around to disperse his scent}
{wildebeest taking a break from rolling}
Jess & Mat