Monday, January 6, 2014

cape point & cape of good hope

Happy New Year!!!!!! Can you believe it’s 2014? 

The next stop on our tour is Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. Both of these historic landmarks are at the tip of the Cape Peninsula and nicknamed the “Cape of Storms” for the notoriously horrible weather that routinely hits the area. 

Aside from the view, we went to Cape Point to see the old lighthouse, which was built in 1859 on Da Gama Peak (the summit of Cape Point). We parked at the bottom of the Peak and had a 45-minute uphill hike to get to the lighthouse. We were pretty tired by the time we made it to the top, but it was very cool to see the lighthouse

After the lighthouse, we hopped back in the car and drove about 10 minutes to the Cape of Good Hope. Many people think that the Cape of Good Hope is the southernmost point of Africa and also where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. But they’re wrong!! Cape Agulhas is actually the southernmost point. The Cape of Good Hope is famous for the thousands of shipwrecks that are just off the coast. The Flying Dutchman is the infamous ghost ship that is rumored to be seen on foggy days!!! I wish we had seen it! 

Here are a few photos from our day:

{look at the greens and blues of this water. gorgeous!}
{before our 45-minute uphill trek to the lighthouse}
{the lighthouse}

{my beautiful mom}
{charming little beach we spotted on the way up to see the lighthouse}
{view from the top of Da Gama Peak}

{thank God we did not see a cobra!!!!!!!!}
{baboon chilling on the roof of the gift shop}
{the 5 most important South African lighthouses}
{ostrich and her 3 babies. look closely for the babies}

Jess & Mat

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