Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stellenbosch - part deux

Can you believe Christmas is a week away?! I cannot. It's hard to get into the holiday spirit when it's the middle of summer and we are 8,000 miles away from our friends and family. We miss you guys! 

Anyway, I thought I'd share more photos of Stellenbosch because it is such a beautiful place. Hope you like them!

{pirate movie set at Cape Town Productions - could it be Pirates of the Carribbean 15?} 
{lady spinning raw African silk}
{crude but hilarious rugby joke}

{our rental car and Mat's favorite car, the Polo Vivo}
{township with ample power supply}

{amazing freshly-picked strawberries}
Jess & Mat

1 comment:

Amazingg9 said...

It was so much fun! Any one up for a month in Stellenbosch next spring? :-)