Monday, December 23, 2013

Camps Bay & Clifton Bay

Two days until Christmas! We spent yesterday afternoon baking and decorating sugar cookies. It was fun, but we learned that our cookie decorating skills are definitely lacking.

{our culinary masterpieces}
{Mat loves making faces in our photos}
I am still editing the final 3 batches of Cape Town photos, but I wanted to show you a few of Camps Bay and Clifton Bay in the meantime. These are two of the gorgeous beaches in Cape Town. I also included a few photos that didn't really fit in with the other batches but I thought you'd like them anyway. :-)

{antique cannons used in one of the many battles fought in this Bay}

{filming a music video}

{the 3 of us drinking Bubble Tea}

{look at the clouds on the ridge}

Good luck with last minute shopping. If you are traveling, have safe travels!

Mat & Jess

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