Monday, July 29, 2013

mangwa valley game lodge

The blog got a new design. Hope you like it! I thought it was time for a change.

A couple weeks ago we attended a B&V company outing at Mangwa Valley Game Lodge. About 40 people in the Outage group attended so we got to meet more B&V expats living in ZA.

It took us about 3 hours to get there because we got lost (UGH!), but it was worth the trip. We got up close and personal with rhinos, giraffes, springboks, impalas, zebras and more. You guys know my obsession with giraffes and rhinos, so I was THRILLED to see two baby rhinos and a baby giraffe!!!!

Here are some photos from our trip to the game lodge:

{the LONG dirt road to get to the reserve. the car was very dirty!}
{awesome and unique signs}
{us on the first game drive}
{the game drive vehicles}
{Mat will be very unhappy about this photo...but look at his face!!! hahaha}
{photos of the lodge grounds - cottages, fire pit, nyalas crashing the party and the chapel}
{sights from the game drive}
{mama giraffe on left; baby giraffe on right}
{mama and baby rhinos!!!!!}
{us "posing" with the giraffes. look above my head to the right. haha!}
{we actually saw a rhino with birds on her back. I thought this only happened in cartoons}
{us in front of the charming chapel}
{more animals from the game drive}
{mama rhino and her 3-month old baby. SO CUTE}
Jess & Mat


Amazingg9 said...

What an amazing collection,of photos and memories! Love the new blog look! Xoxoxox

Nichole said...

Awesome!! Love the baby Rinos! Matthew loves all the giraffes!! Xoxo