Thursday, July 11, 2013


After 3.5 weeks, we FINALLY have internet again! We have felt very disconnected from you guys so we are happy to be online again. Why didn’t we have internet, you ask?! Well, the answer is quite simple: This Is Africa (T.I.A.). Nothing is done on time and there is no sense of urgency. Have you ever heard of Island Time? T.I.A. is a similar phenomenon but more infuriating because you cannot drown your sorrow in pina coladas while taking in an ocean view.

Since I last posted, we moved into our rental house and are finally getting settled and establishing a routine. There are a lot of things I want to tell you guys, but I will have to break it into different posts. I’ll start with flyfishing.

As you probably remember, we were really excited about learning to flyfish in Dullstroom. We bought Orvis rods and reels, two boxes of hand-tied flies and nets.

After buying our gear, we took a 45-minute lesson on the grass next to the Shop to test our rods. The following morning, we had a personal instructor for 3 hours. I will say this: flyfishing is more difficult than I expected. There are thousands of types of flies that are used to catch different fish at different times of the day. UGH. Also, it is very challenging to cast these tiny flies to a respectable distance.

You will not see any photos of trout because we didn't catch a single one. Maybe next time.

At the end of the lesson, Mat broke the tip of his rod!!!! He was bummed, but luckily the rod has a 25-year warranty. It is currently in Cape Town getting fixed. Here are some photos from our weekend.

This is the quaint cottage we stayed in, called Critchley Hackle...

This was our instructor...

Mat testing his skills...

Our rods in their canisters...

Pretty view of some of the ponds...

Jess fishing!!!

After a half day of fishing...


Anonymous said...

Please keep posting! We've missed you so much. We,'ve been going through Mat and Jess withdrawals!!! Love you guys!

Amazingg9 said...

It's so good to be in touch again and see more of your adventures! Beautiful photos - thanks for sharing them and I hope you catch us up quickly on adventures we missed out on due to T.I.A.!

Anonymous said...

Thank God you guys are back with the rest of the world sorry the fish weren't biting but the adventure and the view is awesome it is a skill for sure Ariel Goldman is President of the Argentina fly fishing association and would love to take us fishing with him he is building a lodge on the Amazon river can trade another Turkey hunt for a fly fishing trip to Patagonia ,

Unknown said...

So beautiful! Love the little brick house, not much from the outside, but the inside was really relaxing. Miss you guys. Love reading these!
