Wednesday, May 29, 2013

controlled burning & emails

Good morning! Last night was an interesting one because our town is doing some semi-controlled burning. You might remember that we are staying in a lapa, which basically a modernized hut with a thatched roof, so the smoke smell was seeping in alllllll night. We were sleeping with our heads under the sheets! 
Here a photo of the ceiling of our lapa...
We are both tired today. Sarah told me that this is burning season, so we can expect many more nights with a similar experience. oh no!!!!

Also, I have heard from several of you that my emails are going to your spam filters. Maybe because the email Big Brother knows they are coming from South Africa! If you have written me an email and haven't heard back, check your spam filter and then mark me as "not spam." 

I will be back later with another post.

Jess & Mat

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